The Day With 'Auntie'

The Day With 'Auntie'
In the photo, clockwise from top left: Emma, Wei Wen, Ee Von, Leo and Auntie Latifah

Wednesday 21 August 2013

BABY! Raya Visit

Wondering what took us so long to post our stuff up? This:

And this:

Cute, no?
Note: This is not our baby, we're to busy anyways to have one, meh. This bundle of joy belongs to one of our history lecturer and we paid her a visit at her home, and snap a picture of her baby, there's no copyright infringement here, right?

The proud father, also a lecturer of ours, buying lemang and rendang as a treat for us.
On the way to their house, the baby's dad (who was leading the way) stopped by a roadside stall to grab some lemang (glutinous rice cooked in bamboo) and rendang (really spicy meat dish) to treat us to for lunch. You'll see more about the food (Raya themed food) in later chapters, be patient, good food will come, we promise.

More pictures of the baby:

My personal favorite, doesn't he look peaceful?
Proud sis on the left and mom on the right
So this whole visit was to see the baby and to check on how our postnatal lecturer was after birth, she seems content and she said three was enough, no more, children that is. But we never know, 'accident' happens, to quote a classmate of ours.

Muaks! At the back  XO and proud mama at the front 
The whole visit took up several hours of our time, where we could have done something for the blog, but eh, we'd be sleeping if we had the chance anyways so, congratulation to our lecturer on her 3rd kid and we hope he grows up handsomely.

Oh, oh, oh, one thing we learnt from our visit was that in Malay culture, the caregiver of the baby will often cover the baby's opened mouth when they yawn to prevent bad spirits or the devil from entering and disturbing the baby. Not so sure whether it is applied to boys or to all the babies in general, but it was interesting to find out.

Now you know what we do when we have some time on our hands, go house crashing. Till then, have a good week!

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