The Day With 'Auntie'

The Day With 'Auntie'
In the photo, clockwise from top left: Emma, Wei Wen, Ee Von, Leo and Auntie Latifah

Sunday 25 August 2013

CHAPTER 2.2: Kedai Runcit Activities

Back to business. And hopefully this will be shorter than its precedent part.

Activities in the kedai runcit

In the above diagram, what we did was pull out one of the main walls of the building along with the attached perpendicular partitions to show the function of the spaces more apparently.

1. Display area - items are laid out on shelves to be display and browsed by the customers.

2. Payment area - Items chosen are paid for.

3. Storage room - New stock are stored in the room and are replenished from time to time.

4. Rest area - Includes the small bedroom and TV area for the shop owner to relax and unwind when there are no customers.

Generally, the space is publicly for displaying and selling grocery with a small private area to lounge around when there are no customers around.

And that's it! Ahhh, a nice short post to complete Chapter Two of our blog, Chapter Three will be up soon enough so check back with us later. Cheerio! 

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