The Day With 'Auntie'

The Day With 'Auntie'
In the photo, clockwise from top left: Emma, Wei Wen, Ee Von, Leo and Auntie Latifah

Saturday 24 August 2013

CHAPTER 2.1: Design Analysis

Olé! We're back with the design analysis of the building. This generally means we're going to talk about the building in terms of how the space can be categorize and how is it arrange to meet the requirements of the function of this kedai runcit.

Form of the building
Based on the plan of the kedai runcit, it has a rather strong linearity by the linear growth through the repetition of forms in the building.

Space relationship
As this kedai runcit is mainly for grocery shopping, which is publicly exposed, the private space can be more specifically defined with the use of walls in terms of adjacent spacing.

Dominant space
Since the main function of the kedai runcit is to sell stuff, there is a spatial hierarchy of the display and payment area as compared to the private areas.

Element differentiating spaces
And due to the arrangement of the shelves in a repetitive order, there is a physical barrier that partially encloses the private area visually.

Paths inside the kedai runcit
Also influenced by the shelf arrangement, intersecting paths are created within the area at a regular interval that configures a grid path.

Type of spacing
Along with the grid path configuration, the spaces established are of pass-by spaces where people can easily go around to view the items on display.

Type of circulation space
Considering that the configuration of the circulation is directly influenced by the shelving, the enclosed circulation space would be of consequence to the height of the shelving as well.

Scale and proportion
In the diagram above, structural proportion is where the proportion of the building is set by the structural elements like the roof truss, in this case.

Building approach
Being placed off the road slightly off a T-junction, the approach to the building is of the oblique type where the entrance of the kedai runcit is not wholly and directly visible.

Type of entrance
With the overhang of the roof, a projected entrance is naturally erected which also serves to provide an overhead shelter for rain and shine.

Horizontal element
Due to the building's location, the horizontal base plane can be clearly defined by the change of material in which the asphalt road transits into the kedai runcit's cement rendered floor.

Vertical element
In light of the access and egress of the building which is the whole front of the kedai runcit, the vertical planes that defines the space entirely is of a u-shaped, allowing visual and spatial continuity into the building.

Type of opening
As for the opening, a simple two panel louver windows are place within the vertical elements as part of the building requirement where there is a need for a minimum size of opening. 

Longitudinal section of the kedai runcit
Oh, finally. The section above shows the spaces with human interaction and a sense of the activities going on in the kedai runcit.

Phew, sorry for the long post but we think it's easier to grasp the idea if it was done individually rather that grouping all the information in one, so enjoy scrolling and we'll see you next post. Good day!

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