So, we've pretty much mentioned En. Ghazali in almost every post, and it's time to formally introduce you to his position and the other key people responsible in keeping a kampung peaceful and prosperous.
And this is it:
Responsibilities of the system (keep scrolling for translation) |
The Jawatankuasa Kemajuan & Keselamatan Kampung or JKKK, literally translates to Committee for the Advancement and Safety of the Village, in which they come together to provide aid to the people of the kampung.
In further details (lets do this profile style, 'kay?):
En. Ghazali
A family dude with 6 kids and is the 5th
ketua kampung, nominated and chosen through a voting system.
Pengerusi (Chairman) or
Ketua Kampung or
Penghulu (Village Head)
Job description:
- Head of committee
- Receive reports on all
kampung matters
- Generally the go-to guy
The following positions are held by people we never met, since we only met and interviewed En. Ghazali during our visit, so we'll just replace the names with the position in Malay and describe their position and jobs, as best as we can.
Position: Secretary
Job description:
- Closely works with the
ketua kampung
- Organizes committee meetings
Position: Treasurer
Job description:
- Money collector (for
kampung activities, maybe)
- Keeps track of financial income/outcome
Agama & Pembangunan Insan
Position: Religious and humanity development
Job description:
- Provides religious guidance
- Advice on developing human capabilities enabling growth
Position: Development (not sure what kind, but we assume of the general growth of the
kampung itself)
Job description:
- Works on improving the quality of life in the
- Undertaking poverty alleviation
Position: Security
Job description:
- Maintains peace in the
- Organizes patrol parties every so often
Kesihatan, Kebersihan & Gotong Royong
Position: Health, cleanliness and mutual aid
Job description:
- Regulates cleanliness in regards of healthy living
- Organizes
gotong royong or mutual aid party for any foreseeable events
Pendidikan & Teknologi Maklumat
Position: Education and information technology
Job description:
- Maintains standard of lower level education
- Introduces information technology
Belia, Sukan, Kebudayaan & Kesenian
Position: Youth, sport, culture and art
Job description:
- Encourages youth in various cultural field
- Generally involved with youth developments
Wanita & Kebajikan
Position: Women and Benevolence
Job description:
- Helps women with sensitive issues
- Manages charity for the people
- Provides general moral support
Position: Economy
Job description:
- Manages production, distribution and trade of the
- Advice on local economic improvement
Mind you, job descriptions are not completely accurate, we're just assuming what they do generally since we didn't talk about this topic in detail with En. Ghazali.
After listing the people in the system of the kampung, as close as we can possibly explain it with common sense, we hope you get a sense of how things work around in a kampung with this committee. The committee is commonly set up to help maintain a healthy balance between the slowly developing kampung and its much more modern surroundings and with this, we bid you adieu, have a good day, ladies and gentlemen!