The Day With 'Auntie'

The Day With 'Auntie'
In the photo, clockwise from top left: Emma, Wei Wen, Ee Von, Leo and Auntie Latifah

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Cherating: Interior Architecture Workshop 2013

Aloha, readers! We're back from our 'workshop' in Cherating, Pahang and thought we'd shared something with you guys.

The sun, beach and fun!
We were in this beach for three days two nights, getting randomly tanned and bruised and cut but we wished to prolong the moment there, no assignments, just fun.

The many selca of our dear photographer, everywhere and everyday of the trip, there'd be at least one with different groups of people.

She saw Emma's 'future husband' fleeing 
Picture of the post: Leo's shocked expression. Also, note that Emma wished (really hard) to meet The ONE as soon as possible and get married, so be nice and introduce her to someone!

P.S. Our Raya celebration has been postponed to a later date, so updates will be limited to introductions only, sorry.

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